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OFFoff@Film Fest Gent: City Dudes

TEST2 kopie 2

Studio Skoop
Sint-Annaplein 63
B-9000 Gent

€13 / €11 (reductie)

City Dudes is een ver­to­nin­gen­reeks in de befaam­de Roxy Cinema in New York, gecu­reerd door regis­seur-came­ra­man Sean Price Williams en cri­ti­cus Nick Pinkerton, het duo van The Sweet East (2023) die tij­dens Film Fest Gent te zien is.

Hun stee­vast eigen­zin­ni­ge en sub­ver­sie­ve film­keu­ze ont­hul­len ze pas in de zaal. Op uit­no­di­ging van Art Cinema OFFoff pre­sen­te­ren ze voor het eerst een City Dudes-ver­to­ning bui­ten New York!

Sean Price Williams is de D.O.P. van onder meer de Safdie-broers (Good Time) en van clips voor A$AP Rocky, Boygenius en Nas. Nick Pinkerton is al tien jaar de men­tor van de Young Critics Workshop op Film Fest Gent en schreef onder meer voor Film Comment, Sight & Sound, Artforum, Frieze, Reverse Shot en Village Voice.

* * *

  • Going into a movie blind is a bit ris­ky, innit? Why would I opt to do that?
    Because Sean and Nick are big-brain movies geni­u­ses, and becau­se eve­ry show is gon­na be sick, and becau­se you’ll be stric­ken with crip­pling FOMO if you don’t.

    Can you at least be bot­he­red to give me some inkling of what I’ll see?
    Movies from all o’er the glo­be, span­ning from the dawn of cine­ma to its far-flung futu­re. The only cri­te­ri­on is that the fel­las are going to bring out that pri­va­te stock stuff eve­ry sin­gle time. Films that haven’t been play­ed to death around town, prof­fe­ring an alter­na­ti­ve his­to­ry of cine­ma, a cele­bra­ti­on of the bre­adth and depth of film his­to­ry, a pul­sa­ting moti­on pic­tu­re par­ty full of taut bodies hea­ving and swea­ting, backs arched in pri­mal ecs­ta­sy. There’ll be an ear­nest attempt to haul out film prints whe­ne­ver pos­si­ble, but if we got­ta go with a jan­ky file now and again, whelp, them’s the breaks.

    Sean en Nick over City Dudes

City Dudes 29 oktober 2022

Sean Price Williams & Nick Pinkerton introducing City Dudes, 29 October 2022, Roxy Cinema, New York.

Thierry Zéno

Vase de noces

BE • 1974 • 82' • b&w • 16mm