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Art Cinema OFFoff

Address (administrative)

→ Vrouwebroersstraat 6
B-9000 Gent

Address (cinema)

→ Lange Steenstraat 14
B-9000 Gent

+32 (0)496 47 18 44

General coordination (artistic program, finance, communication)

  • Ruben Demasure

Atelier OFFoff

  • Asel Bakchakova
  • Anthony Brynaert
  • Raouf Moussa


  • Isolde Vanhee, voorzitter
  • Sofie Crabbé
  • Jef Declercq
  • Dany Deprez
  • Isabel Devriendt
  • Marjoleine Maes
  • Ans Mertens
  • Jan Peeters
  • Bieke Vanlerberghe
  • Joris Verdoodt


With the support of

  • → VAF – Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds
  • → Vlaamse Overheid
  • → Stad Gent
Graphic design & webdesign: Serruys Verdoodt
MDC KH cinema juli 006 HR
© Michiel De Cleene

Art Cinema OFFoff is a platform for experimental cinema and audiovisual art. Time and again, OFFoff searches for films from the past and present that enter into cinematographic and narrative experiments, often navigating between cinema and the other arts. The protagonists of avant-garde cinema are cherished. At the same time, the classical canon is updated and confronted with forgotten’ films, new media, contemporary voices and divergent perspectives.

Kunsthal Gent is the permanent venue of OFFoff. OFFoff also shows films at various locations in Flanders and to this end likes to work together with filmmakers, artists, curators and cultural partners from home and abroad. Programme series are regularly framed with lectures, discussions, workshops, educational projects and publications.

Films and audiovisual artworks are shown, studied and discussed as much as possible on their original media carriers. OFFoff investigates what the audiovisual medium can mean today, both in its material manifestation, its reflective power and its emancipatory potential. OFFoff pays special attention to Flemish and Belgian traditions, but also zooms in on international oeuvres or countries with an idiosyncratic film scene.