This absurd, non-linear and playful video diary tells the story of (and by) Ron, who has been living for 5 years with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), causing him to get lost and to forget. Ron has documented his whole life in diaries and he is now writing a book about living with ABI. The moment his daughter Karina finds out that Ron forgot about her, she decides to turn his book into a film.
(…) hovers between reality and a manipulation of it. We end up in an adventure about manipulating memories, visualising thoughts, wanting to fill in black holes, obsessively documenting life and about looking for a language in which we meet each other without remembering.
Karina Beumer (1988), based in Antwerp, holds an interactive artistic practice which stays alive by being in conversation with – or being captivated by – something or someone else. This results in videos, installations and publications that emerge from drawings of observations and unannounced performances. Beumer searches for an absurd and surreal relationship between the inside of the head (thoughts, miscommunication) and the physical world (language, networks). In a dream-like universe, she connects banal issues with personal fantasies using strategies of existing structures such as pop songs, blockbusters and live-action role-playing.
In the presence of Karina Beumer
In collaboration with Kunsthal Gent and Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens. The filming in and round the Woning Van Wassenhove was realised during Beumer’s FABA Artist Residency.