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La Chambre Automatique

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© Courtesy of the artists
Art Cinema OFFoff
Lange Violettestraat 237

Dear friends of the moving image,

Thanks to OFFoff, the spa­ce that invi­ted our pro­duc­ti­on in their room 8x12m, we are hono­red to wish you wel­co­me to/​invite you to a two-thirds-new pie­ce by La Chambre Automatique:
When the docu­ment Document-Terre was foun­ded, we deci­ded to adapt two parts of the three to the screen. The two epi­so­des cal­l­ed The Permitted Lands and The Outlaw were put in a life sce­ne that car­ries the name: The Permitted Lands and the I. The third part, actu­al­ly never shown nor in a lec­tu­re nor on screen, is an medie­val his­to­ry about the ori­gin of the ani­ma­ted can­vas, The Forgotten Theory.
We would like to wel­co­me you for a re-intro­duc­ti­on of the litt­le docu­men­ta­ry The Permitted Lands and the I pre­fa­ced by a lec­tu­re on the for­got­ten the­o­ry’ on Monday the 27th of November in Art Cinema OFFoff”

La Chambre Automatique

The Forgotten Theory


La Chambre Automatique

The Permitted Lands and the I

BE/CZ • colour • digital