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Premiere: Sculture Nel Tempo

Sculture nel tempo e1571396533996
Sphinx Cinema
Sint-Michielshelling 3
€ 9,50 / € 7,50 (reduction)
Toegang is gratis, gelieve je plaatsen te reserveren.

Sculture Nel Tempo is a documentary about artist Philip van Isacker, that also goes in search of the essence of sculpture. The term sculpture has the uncomfortable connotation of a limitation, the carving of an image, which no longer corresponds to what sculptors usually do nowadays. Isn’t the placing of a word on a wall, or a series of words that form a sentence, as Lawrence Weiner does, also the product of a sculptor? After all, his action bears witness to a resuming vision of reality, trying to grasp reality in its core, without digressions. This is the essence of sculpture, rather than carving an image or something resembling it.

Prior to the film, at 6.30 p.m., there will be a conversation between Philip van Isacker and Marta Dziewańska in collaboration with LUCA School of Arts and Minima Docta.

Dany Deprez & Jan Peeters

Sculture Nel Tempo

BE • 2019 • 60' • colour • digital